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Haidji - Books...and...Books!

I'm Haidji, author of SG Suicide Game, Life into Mist, Fancy & Adriaan and other books.

Currently reading

Wo geht's denn hier zum Glück?: Meine Reise durch die 13 glücklichsten Länder der Welt und was wir von ihnen lernen können
Maike van den Boom
The High Mountains of Portugal
Yann Martel
The Complete Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen
Progress: 95/1183 pages

What's "Insanity"?

Вероника решает умереть - Paulo Coelho


This book makes you think about what insanity is.

The book explores the experience of a young woman who, having survived a suicide attempt, finds herself in a mental asylum, where she is told irreversible damage has been done to her heart and she will be dead within a week.

It is sad that some people cannot truly love all that life has to offer, until they face death -- as would death's face be the only thing capable of waking up, inside of themselves, the will to live.