Can you ever heal from war, or will you always be searching for another battle?
Is peace really what you want in your life, or do you need to find a new reason to fight for something?
Stuart Chambers goes deep inside his characters, to find out each one's answers to these and other questions.
You'll want to keep reading this book until you have the answers to all the questions.
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Erasing Scars by Dr. James D. Okun MD is a very informative and interesting book.
Bringing a new way to see beyond the disease, with Aesthetic Realism, this book can help you to develop the deepest desire to like the world in an honest way and
teach you an accurate way of dealing with the stresses inherent to your life. I recommend this book highly to everyone.
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Daily Quote - Click on
Daily Quote - click on
A wonderful collection of resources and inspiration for any traveler,
this book has a lot of good, solid advice for anyone planning a trip.
Read more about it on the link below
Click on #Haidji #books
SG Suicide Game - one of the 5 best books out of 3112.
UK Novel Writers Competition.
You can find SG Suicide Game on Amazon
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Every step you take, comes from a decision you made or from a decision someone else (or society) made for you?
Can you decide your path when your future is already determined? How far does your free will goes? Can you make choices in which the outcome has not been determined by past events? Is determinism necessary for free will, arguing that choice involves preference for one course of action over another, requiring a sense of how choices will turn out?
Is your future already determined by your past, society, destiny or premonitions?
Norah tries to make her own decisions in a world where her path seems to be pre determined.
How far can she go? How much can she decide about her own life and future?
What would you do if you would be Norah? Who would you trust?
This book is thought provoking, magic and a page turner.
I am looking forward to read the next book.
Life outside the box is a book about dreams, work and success.
It is an inspiring book, with stories about ten real people and their achievements in life.
People you maybe never hear about, but are there, working hard, day after day to make it happen.
The book takes us through 10 inspirational journeys of individuals who had the courage to follow their dreams
and succeed, turning impossible into possible, making a better life for themselves and a better world for all.