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Haidji - Books...and...Books!

I'm Haidji, author of SG Suicide Game, Life into Mist, Fancy & Adriaan and other books.

Currently reading

Wo geht's denn hier zum Glück?: Meine Reise durch die 13 glücklichsten Länder der Welt und was wir von ihnen lernen können
Maike van den Boom
The High Mountains of Portugal
Yann Martel
The Complete Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen
Progress: 95/1183 pages
The Soul's Children - Short Story - Haidji - Excerpt
The Soul's Children - Short Story - Haidji - Excerpt


My newest Short Story "The Soul's Children" is available for free to my subscribers.
The Soul’s Children
Being lighter than air itself, with no need of wings, she walked around in circles through the sky, looking down to Earth.
As she looked down she saw two stars, very distant from each other and said:
“But…they are so far away from each other, I can’t choose only one of them, and I like both.”
The Angel said to her:
“Better you choose other stars; these two will meet only later on in life, can’t you see how far away from each other they are at this moment, each one of them living its own life, not even knowing about one another’s existence?”
“It doesn’t matter… I will wait,” answered the girl.
“She is so beautiful, have you see her eyes? How can she be so serious and so funny at the same time? It seems as would she be dancing while she walks…and he, have you noticed his smile? It is as would he be tickling me every time he smiles.” She laughed, kissing her own hands and throwing the kisses in both directions, kisses falling over the stars and at the same time in different parts of the world.
“Do you think I look like her?” She wondered, and tried to walk like her…above the clouds, speaking to herself because the Angel had been gone for some time.
Then she saw a boy sitting with his head between his hands and asked him:
“What are you doing? Why are you holding your head between your hands?”
“I’m waiting. I’m waiting for my chosen stars to meet each other. But it seems it will never happen.”
“Which ones?” she asked, thinking that they will maybe be some boring ones because she had picked the better ones already. She asked just out of curiosity and sympathy, politeness.
“Look…you see, they are those ones…and showed her the two distant stars that seemed to be beginning to approach each other, then to take different paths again. “Can you see? She is the most beautiful of all, and he, can you see? Do you think there can be a better one? Have you seen him fighting? His sense of humor? He is the strongest of all and has secrets he will tell only to me.”
“But, they are the same as mine!” and her face lit up.
She did not need to wait alone any longer. They began to run after each other and play while expecting the infinite time to pass by, the time that never seems to pass by while you are waiting for something.
They laughed every time the stars seemed to walk in one another’s direction, jumping and running between rainbows; and they cried every time life took them into opposite directions again.
The Angel came to ask them if they had already chosen their stars.
“Yes, of course, the same ones we said before. They are approaching each other, can you see?”
The Angel’s mien turned serious and greyish.
“No, it is not all right, you should choose at least three possibilities, three different possibilities. Not just one. You need to consider everything to fulfill your purpose on Earth. From your DNA to your environment. From the day you are born until the day you should come back. Stop walking together as would all be chosen, well and certain; and go choose the other possibilities.”
The children cried, shouted, flounced. After all that, they wept in silence; they did not want to choose other stars. They wanted only those ones.
They gave each other their hands while crying and their tears, running out of their eyes, sliding down their arms, landed on their hands’ palms, and glued their hands together in an almost eternal form of tantrum.
The Angel used his hands to separate their hands, demanding that they go apart and chose other stars.
They were placed in different places and ordered to look for other stars, but they managed to flee and to find each other again.
Crying again, watching their chosen stars, their hands glued again.
The Angel found out they were together again, with their glued hands, and asked them if they had already chosen other possible stars.
They answered him: “Yes, we have already chosen; we stay together and we picked the same ones.” They did not want others.
The Angel swung his sword between their hands to separate them. They were hurt; blood came out of their wounds. Again, they were taken to different places to choose other stars.
Once again, even before...
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