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Haidji - Books...and...Books!

I'm Haidji, author of SG Suicide Game, Life into Mist, Fancy & Adriaan and other books.

Currently reading

Wo geht's denn hier zum Glück?: Meine Reise durch die 13 glücklichsten Länder der Welt und was wir von ihnen lernen können
Maike van den Boom
The High Mountains of Portugal
Yann Martel
The Complete Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen
Progress: 95/1183 pages

Must Read

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine - Michael Lewis
The Big Short by Michael Lewis is a must read for anyone interested in how the financial system works (or doesn't work).
The characters and their stories are very interesting providing the needed personality to keep the reader engaged
It is funny and reads like a novel, very fast, easy and informative.
Reading this book you will understand the 2007-2010 financial crisis in the world.
If you are interested in economics and finance or are one of those still trying to figure out the Great Recession, this is a must read.